What is Prana (life force Energy) Understanding Flow 5 Vayus

Prana is derived from Sanskrit translated into English in many relative terms such as “respiration”, “breath of life”, “energy” “life force,” and “vital principle”. It is what keeps the human body alive. There are five crucial movements or functions of prana as the “vayus”- the air, that inherently governs the human body. The five pranas are the natural pacemaker that fundamentally keeps all the activities in the human body keep going.


The Five Prana Vayus Are-


1                Prana Vayu – The process of receiving energy inward through breathing and exhaling is done with the name Prana Vayu and it is also related to Anahata Chakra, the Heart Chakra. This Vayu is the prime energy in the body and rules from the nasal part to the heart. Elements like the brain, eyes, mouth, etc. function with its cooperation. 


2                Apana Vayu – Apan means the outward flow of air from our bodies. This is associated with Mooladhara chakra, root chakra, which is related to the earth. Apana Vayu mainly takes charge of the lower part of the body, from the navel to the soles of the feet. It regulates the process of exhalation, and excretion- eliminating digestive waste, sweating, and ejection of semen. Methods like Nauli, Agnisara-Kriya, Ashwini Mudraand Moola Bandha function to purify and strengthen the body.  


3                Samana Vayu – The work of churning or processing eaten food is what Samana Vayu is responsible for. Its function is concentrated from the heart to the navel. It also supports the absorption and assimilation of nutrients formed from the proper breakdown of food particles. This Vayu can be regulated efficiently by the practice of Agnisara Kriya and Nauli. 


4                Udana Vayu – Udaan means “outward moving”. It is the channel of energy that provides the balance or consciousness which is required for the body to move and stand straight. This Prana primarily flows from the heart to the head and brain. Udayan Vayu can be accelerated by the persuasion of Ujjayi Pranayama and Bhramari Pranayama


5                Vyana Vayu – The regulation of the entire body including the nervous system is conducted by the Vayu named Vyan! It provides the movement of energy through the circulatory system and the pulse path of the human body. It is located in the heart and lungs and flows throughout the entire body having its effect, especially on the Nadis. Decreased Vyana Vayu can result to malfunction in vascular transmission, neural motion, and a decrease in blood flow. It can be strengthened by the practice of pranayama. 


How Life Force Flows Through the Body? 


Life force flows through the body by the persuasion of these “Five Pranas”- it changes the Vayu, the person’s consciousness remains awake, memories are safe, the heart and the digestive system remain healthy and the mind, heart, and soul align organically. It is because we live in changing environment-physical & mental; so that Vayus- the life force can be religiously practiced to attain optimum health, quality thoughts, emotion & consciousness. 


Spiritual life Coach – Madhu Pandit

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